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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Systematic Music Discovery

I'm finally starting up a systematic process to discover and acquire new music. This was a long process in the making, and began about a year ago when I started weeding through my entire iTunes library and deleting and categorizing the music I already have. Now I am ready to start building on it.

I have several tools to help me remember what pieces I like best:

I then consolidate all my findings in tobedownloaded.txt and buy them off of iTunes.

Jazz is my main focus of the musical discovery efforts, but I will share my jazz findings in a later post. Today, I will talk of new pieces I've bought to add to my "chill" playlist - yes, you guessed it: a playlist of downbeat electronic music.

On another vein, I also recently downloaded Roy Harris's Piano Quintet. I heard this on KUSC (our local classical music radio) on the way home from work on a rainy afternoon. I liked it so much that I sat in my car for fifteen minutes, waiting for it to finish so I could turn off the car and go home. This piece has just the kind of sonority that I like in modern chamber music.

There you go. Expert musical criticism from a person with a music major degree. Seriously, though, this is just a start. I'll have more substantial musical purchases to blog about in future posts.

posted at 13:37 - (link to this) - 1 comment(s)

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