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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Journal Series 3: Brown Journal

The Journal Series continues at glacial speed with a third article: The Brown Journal.

Acquired: In 2000 (?) as a 15th birthday present from Jason and Eva. I suspect that the journal was used prior to re-gifting, as the first several pages were ripped out.
First entry: June 3, 2006
Language: English
Usual location: My desk
Pens used: Black gel pen
Privacy: High

I envisioned a journal that's more than day-to-day ramblings; somewhere I write in once every couple of months, when I've mulled over and distilled the thoughts in my head many times before putting them down on paper. No-nonsense journaling. Frank confessions on how I feel about my life at that moment, thoughts that had bothered me for a long time about myself, other people, or my career. Writing them down at last, after months of introspection, is gratifying.

The journal was intended to be high in privacy, but potentially okay for very close friends to see if they saw it lying around. Therefore, I was unsuccessful in finding too many excerpts or any two-page spread that I felt comfortable with putting online, so here is one page I wrote before my first day of work.

Some excerpts:

December 5, 2006:
People probably think that I'm a very open person because of the way I seemingly say things that others think are too private. Well, I noticed that I'm a very private person; it's just the things I keep private that are different. I can't play the piano in front of people. Why bother carrying a sketchbook with me if I never draw in public? Most of my music is never written down because I never noodle around on the piano, because somebody will hear it. Most people don't have a clue about what my characters are all about. ... In fact, one reason my artistic development is completely stifled is because I fear the embarrassment. But you know all this already. Maybe what I need is the ability to isolate myself from people completely for hours on end, and listen to the inner Little Melike again.

April 18, 2007:
"Men lose their high aspirations as they lose their intellectual tastes, because they have not time or opportunity for indulging them, and they addict themselves to inferior pleasures, not because they deliberately prefer them, but because they are either the only ones to which they have access or the only ones which they are any longer capable of enjoying." - John Mill

January 3, 2010:
The one big success that came out of 2009 is Matchingfreak. Besides that, the general attitude I had was "whatever happens happens," and focused on not stressing out so much over hobbies.
This year, I am changing gears. I've decided to overwhelm myself with activities, because that is when I am most productive. I will take a stab at my goals, even when overcome by apathy, because deep inside, I know that they are important and worthwhile. I know that when I look back, I will think, "Look at what I've done. I'm awesome."

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